If you happen to peak back at my post from July 10th, you'll see this home is looking much happier now!
I stopped by about a month ago as my dentist is still near my dad's to take some photos. Habitat was working on it so I hesitantly approached the house and the site manager, once I told him who I was, was so happy to talk to me. He spent an hour giving me a tour of all the work they'd done.
They were clearly having some fun with it as they'd framed this old wallpaper with a "Save" sign written on the wall.
I asked if I could bring my brother's family sometime and he said, "Monday - Friday 9-3 I'm here." So we waited a few weeks so we could see the next phase and visited today.
I was crying when I posted those photos of the dilapidated house, and now I'm crying because I'm so grateful for all these people and all the work that they have done. They are taking such good care of it and putting in an immense amount of time and energy.
And somehow, despite the fact that they've been working on this house for a few months. Today of all days, while we just happened, to be there, they pulled out the bottom drawer in the the hallway and found STUFF STORED UNDER IT!!
Do you see this pile of crap in my backseat? I am going to start having nightmares again about finding more stuff that we had left to clean out in that house!!
While we were looking thru the house I threw the pile in my old bedroom to take away. My old high school comforter is one of the things in that pile. It is going in the trash. I don't even want to think about any of that stuff anymore.
After we left my brother's family was going to the nearby thrift store (which is the best). I went too and ended up getting caught up there. I haven't shopped for clothes since before Co-Vid with the exception of a raincoat for the Boundary Waters camping and new underwear. Anyway, I found a tennis skirt - which I never had interest in until I realized they have spots to hold tennis balls which could be useful - so I'm going to try one. I also found a dress that I wasn't able to try on, so who knows if I'll like it, and a few other things.
THEN I went to the grocery store, hungry and on the way out saw a key lime pie. I remembered back in high school when I was dogsitting for my friend's family and I got an entire pie at Baker's Square and how luxurious it felt. Not because I want to eat a whole pie, but rather because you knew NO ONE else was going to! There was no hurry! And I am home alone this weekend and that sounded so great, just to have it in there and if I want to eat a piece great, but for the next 72 hours I will not think, "If I don't have a piece it will be gone."

And THEN I came home and saw the theater 4 blocks away from us, which has been closed for a year and a half, sent a flyer. I haven't had any inkling to be in a space like that, but I saw a couple things that interested me, so I looked up their Co-Vid policy and it said vaccination or a negative Co-Vid test was required to enter.
Then I saw that the show tomorrow is a comedian. I have wanted to go to a live comedian for years! I am hesitant though as I don't want raunchy comedy, I want G rated comedy. Well the opener for tomorrow's show I recognized as someone that went to my college, so I looked up the main performer and listened to about 4 minutes of her show. Her first joke was about Costco, I'm in.