#1 - I came down with a cold a couple days ago and today I decided to stay home and rest. I'm just a little sick so I spent about half the day relaxing/working on a puzzle etc, and half the day working on the computer. I'm grateful to have some wellness leave at my job and also grateful the home visits I missed today were with families that aren't behind and are easy to reschedule with.
#2 - Speaking of puzzles - I've had a 500 piece sunflower one on the floor of my living room for a couple months. I've learned in this process the difficulty of puzzles relates to more than the size. If there isn't a lot of variety of color it is difficult. I was not enjoying this one and unsure I'd finish it, but I'm now in the home stretch. I get a couple pieces a day and I'm confident I will complete it.
#3- My ear is plugged from ear wax which happens to me on occasion. I've had my ears cleaned with water for this issue multiple times, however the last time it happened, almost 2 years ago, I got an infection soon after and it turned into this whole ordeal. Eventually I saw an ENT who cleaned my ear out with a vacuum thing. I asked her, "If this happen again should I go to the Minute Clinic to have my ears cleaned?"
She kind of hesitated in her response, but then said I could come there and I'd get in quicker next time as a returning patient. Still I was thinking I'd just go to a Minute Clinic this week as I can get in quick and it's just seems more appropriate level of care. However since I was home sick today I decided to try and make an appointment with the ENT and I was able to get one next week.
I'm not sure it is the right level of care, but I am pretty sure it won't lead to another infection ordeal.
#4 - I also took the time to play "Contexto" today. A game I enjoy, however don't often prefer to spend more time on screens. Today was a HARD one and took quite a bit of time and breaks and hints. Honestly I can't recall the answer. I know I got "wrestle" which was #2 I think, but I could not figure out #1.
#5 - I think I will feel well enough to return to my home visits tomorrow. My first visit is with a family that has had a LOT of cancellations the last couple months and I really don't want to add to that. I also might try the new "gentle yoga" class at the fitness center which will be perfect if I am still a little low energy.