#452 - I saw this article in a newstand and wanted to read it, and then got it from my Neighbor.
#453 - Caring Enough to try and Figure out Bill Tracker - I guess I've never expected a bill to affect me personally as much as MN House File 3046/Senate File 2702. I decided ten years ago (when I learned about birth centers) that I wanted to live in a state that had them if/when I became pregnant. Until a few months ago that did not include MN. But now, by some apparent miracle they have opened here! I am very hopeful they will thrive as one of many options for pregnant families. Anyway, I have been following a bill related to birth centers licensure in the MN legislature this year. The basics of the MN bill tracker are simple, but today I was trying to figure out how the bill was amended in the house in a way the author in the senate disliked. I haven't figured that out, but I did learn that in both houses - most of the members, both Republican and Democrat voted for it. YEAH!!!
#454 - It's hard to think about the oil spill because while we all might like to think BP is responsible, we are all responsible. It's not just getting in our cars. Nearly everything we use is either made with oil, or produced on machinery that uses oil, or transported with oil. It is hard to live this lifestyle and have any remorse we may feel for wildlife, ecosystems or people mean anything.
Thank God for not only my favorite power source, but possibly my favorite human invention - when I pass by a Windmill (or lots of Windmills), My Breath Deepens and I feel Peaceful. That in itself is impressive, not to mention how awesome they are for their clean energy!
#455 - I spent the last couple nights with my cousins. On Friday I slept in Ashley's room and as we were falling asleep I asked her what five things she was grateful for that day. I had never asked her this before, but she enthusiastically responded and then asked me mine.
This morning before I left, Ashley said to me, "You didn't do your gratitudes yesterday!"
"I did I just wrote them in my journal."
"Tell Me what They Were."