Saturday, May 8, 2010

Calle Cerrada




Young Men Confident Enough in Their Masculinity to be into Traditional Folk Dance

#344 - Knowing enough about plants to rub this one in between my fingers and then smell as I walked by

#345 - After the Cinco de Mayo Festival, I planned on attending a spoken work event. I had a couple hours in between though. I decided to stop at one of two friends places on the way to relax and fuel up my energy. Friend #1 - not home. Friend #2 - not home either. Hmmm.

I felt tired and a bit cold so I wasn't going to eat the food I packed outside in a park, and I didn't have anywhere else to go until the show. I decided to stop at Fletcher's instead of going straight home. I was frustrated that none of my previous options had worked, but I still was open enough to pray, "I am willing to see the reason for this."

Fletcher believes in signs and things happening for a reason, so the first thing I was going to ask him was, "Do you know why I am here?" (There were other places I wanted to be!) When I pulled into his driveway it didn't look like he was home either. I started backing out, and then he came home. I opened my car door and before I could speak Fletcher said,"I know exactly why you are here."

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