#2077 - Today I received an reply to an email I sent a friend giving my doula spiel. She said they are strongly considering one. If they get one, they will be the fifth couple I partially or at least in one case, completely, caused to have a doula for their delivery. That is pretty damn cool!
doula : a woman experienced in childbirth who provides advice, information, emotional support, and physical comfort to a mother before, during, and just after childbirth
#2078 - I think sometimes not getting something, makes you search deeper, so that when it does come you receive so much more than you would have otherwise.
#2079 - Oh, I almost forgot, I have a new "hit" song. It is a hit, because it gets stuck in my head. Last night I woke up, maybe 3am, and I realized I was singing it in my head. My other songs weren't this catchy.
#2080 - I was feeling a little depressed this morning when someone said to me, "I noticed that you jump around with career paths. Isn't that really hard to do because you usually have to start out at the bottom every time." I've really enjoyed my career path, but I have no idea where it is going and this just made me sad/want to cry. Then, later in the day a friend sent an email that made me want to cry again - this time in gratitude.
"I see how you work on yourself to grow spiritually- few, perhaps no one that I know, works as hard as I think you do."
It reminds me of Rumi -
"Work in the invisible world
at least as hard as you do in the visible
Be companions with the prophets
even though no one here
will know that you are"
at least as hard as you do in the visible
Be companions with the prophets
even though no one here
will know that you are"