Unlike chimps, bonobos are female dominated, are much less violent and have sex for fun. Is this sounding a little familiar by now? Which species have we chosen to study extensively? (Even though they are both related to us equally.) The more violent and male-dominated one. In fact most of us haven't even heard of the one run by the females. This book had me on page #1.
#2017 - I don't know much about chimpanzees, but apparently a grown male and juvenile male chimp wouldn't even be in the same room together, or one would at least be cowering in the corner. A grown male bonobo and a juvenile will share food together (67).
#2018 - This book is also giving me a primer on politics in the Congo region.
#2019 - Divine Distraction - I didn't even notice it was happening, but finally after the third unplanned event came up I realized there might be some divine distraction going on. Otherwise I would probably be in more of a state of waiting/wondering if I will hear back in relation to gratitude #1888.
#2020 - My Dad being one of those distractions, asking if my brother, sister-in-law and I want to go to Riverdance tonight. In fact that has been something that has appealed to me for years, which I've never mentioned, and I saw the marquee for it downtown last week. I told my Dad and he said, "Shows you better be careful for what you wish for because you just might get it.".
I remember thinking RiverDance was really loud. That was very much before I went to Ireland. But I'm not certain how "Irish" RiverDance really is. . .