One plan came to me of something to do, but it did not materialize. I sat with that a bit and then decided to clean a little. Which got me on a roll, the whole, "A body that is in motion tends to stay in motion," so then the shower needed cleaning and I decided to give a through scrubbing to the shower mat which really needed cleaning. As I was doing this somewhat unpleasant task my niece came in and (#1) wanted to join. So I got her another brush. Before you know it she wanted to take off her shoes and really participate.
Then I have three shoes whose soles need glueing. Two of them are ski boots and I wanted to fix them before putting them away for the summer. I read the shoe goop instructions, the first step was to prepare the surface, clean the dirt etc away, which I did (#2) and left it to dry.
Then I have this little bag, about the size of a long wallet with a strap that is perfect for slinging over my shoulder when I am biking in the summer when I don't have pockets for keys etc. There is a hole in the back of it I have used it so much. I've been on the look-out for something like it at the thrift store, but I never see anything. Today I cut a square from an old t-shirt and sewed it on the inside of the bag so the hole is covered (#3).
Then I was going to glue the shoes outside (vapors not good to breathe on Shoe Goop I guess) but I read further in the instructions and it said to use in 50-90 degrees and it will not be that warm today. So I guess that one will have to wait, but I felt so good after just completing (or in one case starting) a few things that I'd meant to do for a long time that I could now be content reading and playing the guitar.
So I made a video of my newest song which is still in progress and the impulse to do this wasn't scary at all this time (#4). Yes it is a video and it took a long time to upload, but it seems to be a photo here. Oh well, I think the file is too large and I don't care enough to try and figure out how to fix this.
#5 - Okay it is almost 5pm and now, once again, I'm not sure what to do with the rest of my day. But I will turn on Prairie Home Companion and be willing for what will be to be.
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