Monday, November 11, 2019

I Nailed It

#1 - My friend came over for a brisk, lunchtime walk today, my cheeks were pink and invigorated.  She also shared with me a draft proposal she has written for a theater piece.

#2 - My partner was disconnected with me when we woke up - hurt, upset or angry about something.  I tried to talk to him about it but he was preparing for an interview today and not in the space for that.  A half hour before the interview he reconnected with me with a hug.  He said he realized what he needed was connection.  We still need to talk about what was bothering him this AM, however I'm glad he chose to shift his focus.

#3 - "I nailed it!"  his comment after the interview.

#4 -  Having the time and space to listen when someone I love called me about a disturbing experience.  And then at the end of the listening having a resource (person) in mind that I just emailed to get some support and advice about the disturbing situation.

#5 - Finally a podcast I listened to today on a topic I've long found concerning - especially considering almost everyone now has it in their homes.

Is violent porn changing us? Next Question with Katie Couric

"Are you holding a smartphone or sitting down at your laptop right now? If so, you’re just a few clicks away from free, hardcore pornography. There are no explicit content warnings, and no age verifications to make you think twice about clicking "play”—which means kids as young as 9 and 10 are being exposed to sex for the first time via sites..."

1 comment:

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