Sunday, December 17, 2023

Next level

#1 - Maybe a morning like today, 7 or so years ago, I felt so directionless/lost after my soccer game. I couldn't figure out where to go or what to do with myself.  Then I stopped at the library and checked my email and there was a very intense angry message from my former partner. "Oh, that's why I feel so off today," I suddenly understood.

 I mention that because today I felt a little similarly, a little, I had a morning game at that location/same time of year and I just was in a weird space afterwards.  Not like last time. I don't feel any anger, just in a different space.  In the afternoon I pulled out a 2016 journal and was reading/reflecting a bit on that time. Soon enough, I got a phone call from a friend who broke up with her boyfriend, then got back together, now might be breaking up.

I was in a receptive/relatable place to take the phone call.

#2 - And afterwards it all made sense, I love that I had just been sitting there quietly for quite a while really doing hardly anything.  It was almost as if I was waiting for that call. #3 - After I had the energy to start prepping a vegetarian lasagna and I've had a very content evening.

#4 - Here is a quote from my 8 year old nephew that I sent to a couple friends today.  He heard a song on the radio yesterday - Wham Last Christmas

"This song is really old

It is from the 18's."

(he meant the 80's)

 #5 - And though I highly value having people in life that I feel connected to, this video reminded me that someone without a strong personal attachment to other people (or that is the impression I got), can do a hell of a lot of good.

A whole nother level


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