Thursday, February 1, 2024

I Know You

#1 -  I'm feeling a little stressed and anxious tonight.  It is the same as when I was in college at the beginning of the semester or a big project or...that is when I get stressed and anxious.  The night before the test or the assignment is due, I'm ok, I'm prepared, I'm going to bed on time. I've done what  I can and I let go (though if it is a test of course I still may feel nervous).

So I'm seeing a big "project" of sorts a few months ahead and all the pieces that will need to be put in place/figured out by then.  And though I'm not at the point where there isn't stress or anxiousness, I can at least say, "Hey I know you, you always come about this time.  You are welcome to sit besides me," (this is something Elizabeth Gilbert would say), "but you are not driving. I will handle that."

#2 - Tonight is the first time in 1 1/2 years of living here, that I've been waiting to use the laundry!  There have been a couple times I've walked in the laundry room and the washer was running, but I've just gone back 30 minutes later and been fine.  

Tonight I went in around 5pm and it was in use. I did eventually get my laundry washed, however the last time I checked someone else's clothes were still just sitting in the dryer, and I don't know whose...and I'd like to dry my sheets to get them back on my bed.  However let me say this again


#3 - I started with a new home visiting family this week.  The mom is (thus far) engaged/attentive/not on her phone at all and the kids have a lot of imagination.  We pretended the stuffed unicorn today was having a birthday party and all the animals were having cake.  The kid said it was "broccoli cake"!  Of course I had the animals say, "YUM!" even the tiger who usually only likes meat.

#4 - One of my cousins may come live with me - maybe just for a month or two - maybe longer.  I'm looking forward to the possibility, yet also a little nervous.  We have a really good relationship and I hope it doesn't change that.

#5 - I spent part of the day with another cousin (sister of the aforementioned).  I didn't think I'd have much time with her today, however one of my home visits was cancelled so it worked out well.  And it's a mom who already suggested we'd do a make up visit, which makes things much easier when a visit is missed.

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