Friday, May 24, 2024

Hikes, Home Visits and Bathroom Access

 #1 - My last home visit was cancelled today because there are many health issues.  This I am not grateful for.  However it meant I could leave a bit earlier to meet my friend for a planned hike and not deal with as much traffic on a holiday weekend.  #2 - He suggested we walk on a trail that I had not been to before.  There isn't a lot of park area relatively nearby that I have not explored so this was a real treat.  #3 - It also is in an area that I know the mosquitos can/could be awful, but it is still early enough and windy enough that today's walk was entirely pleasant.

 #4 - The home visiting program I work for is a 2 year program.  One of the more challenging families I saw today and mentioned the second year, not sure they'd continue, and probably would feel a bit of relief if they decide not to. However today she said she intended to return and we had a good conversation.  Part of the reason that home is challenging is (I think) there is a fair amount of stress there and I have a hard time relaxing.  However, that also means they might need it more so it is a practice for me.

#5 - Organic cherries were on sale, the beginning of the best fruit season of the year!  One of the coops where I shop has installed a lock on the bathroom now so you need to get a code to use it.  It now has a sign, "This bathroom is only for customers."  I imagine there was quite a debate to implement this, and it is unfortunate that they deem it necessary, and I'm so fortunate to fit the "profile" of a customer and be given access.

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