#751 - Songs Complied by Yohann Anderson - This is the guitar book I've mostly been playing out of which I borrowed from a friend. It has over 950 songs so for a while I would leaf through and only play songs that were familiar. Now I've started trying ones that are not. Some of them have sweet lyrics. Today I Believe In Music by Mac Davis was a favorite (Conie I think you'd like this one).
#752 - The Best Life Diet Cookbook by Bob Greene - currently inspiring me to make new recipes.
#753 - Instead of thinking, "What am I Going Make to Eat?" I am thinking "I Still Have Yummi Leftovers."
#754 - I was debating about a few dresses at the thrift store Tuesday. The One I Almost Didn't Buy I Don't Want to Take Off. (It's easier to take a risk when the cost is $4).
#755 - Requesting K'Naan's Troubadour CD from the Library. (I heard T.I.A. and People Like Me yesterday. The first is way groovy and the second caught me with the lyrics.)
(I took a walk last night later than I usually would. At the end it started feeling long because no one else was walking and it was dark. And then I saw a beautiful moon-rise, which my camera obviously can't capture, but I tried anyway).
Can't wait to see the song "I believe in Music"! And thanks for sharing the moon-rise. I find it so hard to capture its essense and how it made you feel in words or in pictures. Something about the moment all lining up - you in your place, it in its place, everything else in its place - that surprises us into amazement each time. Thanks again.