Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Light

#711 - Watching Holly's Gymnastics Practice - Seeing how much she has Improved and how She Enjoys it

#712 - Holly Being Comfortable Practicing with Younger Girls (instead of feeling inadequate because they are at a similar level, just being where she is at and working from there)

#713- My Brother got Ashley to walk 3 1/2 Miles with Him (in flip-flops). I wouldn't even have attempted.

#714 - #713 Saved Driving Back and Forth - 7 Miles

#715 - I told Ashley yesterday this shot wouldn't work very well as she was shooting into the sun. I just looked at the photos and I think she used the opportunity to take someArtistic Photos


  1. tell ashley that's a much sought after look in photography right now (from my limited knowledge of what I see on-line)!
