and I am still represented in Congress by a man in whom I have Great Trust, Respect and Faith
#1237 - I knew I needed a little Eckhart today. I listened to his "The Current Economy" video since the election was "all about the economy." As usual he Returned me To my Center.
#1239 - Being Asked for A Recommended Reading List by a Friend
#1240 - I was going a bit nuts last night trying to find a quote in one of my journals that I wanted to put in a letter. I gave up, but today I found it on the internet. If I had found it last night I would not be posting it here, so maybe someone needs this:
"The paradox of pleasure is that unrestrained pleasure kills itself: in other words, self-restraint is the very first condition of pleasure.
The paradox of intimacy is that distance is the first condition of intimacy: the intimacy in which there is no distance turns very soon either to resentment or even to hatred.
The paradox of sexual pleasure is that all those conditions which create sexual pleasure and happiness lie outside sexuality.
The paradox of self-interest is that the only way of serving one’s self-interest is to serve the interest of the other. In other words, the pleasure and the happiness of the other is an essential condition of one’s own pleasure and happiness."
Chaturvedi Badrinath
Art of Love
Resurgence Issue 212 May/June 2002
on the paradox of self-interest:
ReplyDelete... still, it is an illusion to think one can procure happiness for another, if one is unhappy himself.
Thanks for the info on birth-centers. Indeed, I don't know what the percentages are here, but caesaerians are only done if they know there will be problems or if there are complications.
thanks for the quote - i felt that i needed it as i read it :)