Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Why I Love Writing

#1336 - Why I Love Writing - Instead of answering an email asking what I'd been up to, I thought "I'll send a short card." About two sentences in I realized it was going to be a long card. I didn't even know I had a story, I often don't even know that a story is there, until I start moving my pen. Sometimes nothing comes, yet sometimes there is this mysterious surprise. Things in my life that suddenly seem bigger or more connected or...something... just because I've taken the time to write them down.

#1337 & 1338 - A couple orders (this is what I am calling them because it sounds fun) for my advent-like calendar with kind words,

"I always enjoy real mail from you because I'm never quite sure what is inside."
"I would love one - thank you for your generous heart and creative spirit which you share with such love!"

#1339 - Thinking, "Yes I would really enjoy getting a letter from me too." :)

#1340 - The sychronisticy that my Dad's company was bought by a Japanese company a few years ago and that my brother married a Japanese woman. So today for example, my Dad can talk to my sister-in-law about cross-cultural issues and she can give advice. The issue today was being given a gift card for groceries for Thanksgiving. A Japanese man thought the gift card was from his manager (not the company) so now he thinks he needs to give his manager a gift back. The manager doesn't know how to explain the gift is not from him but from the company, and he does not need a return gift.

1 comment:

  1. Hah, every time I read your gratitudes, they make me want to be a better person.
    Even if 5 seconds later I lose my temper again, it's a good feeling :)
