#1 - "We're in this together." The response of the guy on the phone whom I'd just told, "I did this quickly so I may have made a mistake," when we looked at the changes he requested on the website.
#2 - My mind was racing this morning, so I sat still for ten minutes. Since it was the last thing my mind wanted to do, I knew I needed it. I did not want that mind running my day and I knew if I didn't stop it would. It's the one habit from Spain I'm still carrying with me.
#3 - The apparent pride in the write up the man I'm dating did about a trip to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area with his two daughters last week. It was in response to an internal work post asking what people's children had learned this summer. I had really debated about joining them this year. When I decided not to I expected I would feel sad. However, the week before the trip I felt confident instead. I don't feel jealous they had a wonderful experience, I feel grateful. Furthermore, the confidence I hear gained by the three of them going by themselves further affirms that decision (#4).
#5 - Reframing - reminding myself constantly to reframe. Here is an example from today. The only time I wear glasses is on the computer and I need them on the computer or my eyes feel tired and strained. I was excited to get my new prescription, since the old one is a few years old. The eye doctor convinced me to get bifocals because they are the more expensive glasses and then I'd have the distance vision (if I want to wear them to sharpen things up a bit, though he said my distance vision is good) and the close up description. But the close up is blurry at the distance of my computer screen and clear much too close to my face to be useful. So really at this point they are pointless for what I need them for. So I called and first I need to go to the shop to see if they measured incorrectly and if it's correct, then I can go back to the eye doctor. I'm pretty sure I'll need the second so that means at least two more trips when I just want a simple pair of glasses.
Ok that is one way to look at it.
The other way to look at it is HOW LUCKY I am to be able to see an eye doctor, to have insurance that will pay for a pair of glasses and if those glasses are incorrect, to have that rectified without additional charges (I think, at least on the last part). Here I am mentally complaining about taking time for this instead of being GRATEFUL that I am so taken care of.
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