Saturday, August 25, 2018

Still Loving It

#1 - I'm still loving the assignment I selected for myself as homework for my writing and meditation class, "Think of one small action you can take every day between now and Sept 16th.  It will be the exact same action 34 times.  Ideas:  take a picture every day, drink a smoothie every day, read a poem every day, send a postcard every day, walk around the block every day.  Keep it simple."   I chose to read a poem to someone every day - ideally a different person each day.   This has been one of the highlights of my day - even if I am just leaving the message on voicemail.  On Wednesday I actually read a poem to a friend I haven't spoken to in over 15 years.  Just the sound of his voice brought me deep joy.

Today my friend Matt answered his phone.  I see him most weeks on my soccer team, but I don't call him on the phone and I haven't read him a poem in a long time.  He was happy to give me the time and space to listen to one by William Carlos Williams.

#2 - The Coconut Lime popsicle by goodpop is delicious.  Today I looked at the ingredients wondering why I like it so much (beyond the lime which is always a dessert preference for me).  It is sweetened by agave nectar and has 11 grams of sugar.

#3 - I thought the farmer's market was going to be toasty and humid today but the cloud (or smoke) cover prevented that.  We had a new craft vendor that was very punctual and arrived right on the dot at 6AM to set up.  (Usually only the farmer's arrive that early.)  It was good she filled in as a couple farmer's were unable to come.

#4 - There was both strawberries and spinach, so I bought a bunch to make a strawberry/spinach salad.  I didn't do any recipe planning before the market so it was nice to have this idea come to mind.  I think some feta cheese is all I'll need to purchase from the store.

#5 - I have leftovers from some yummi tacos I made yesterday with homemade salsa and guacamole.  I usually grocery shop on Sundays and I rarely have homemade leftovers this late in the week.

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