Thursday, February 17, 2022

Let Your Yes be Yes and Your No Be No

It is Thursday, I have learned that Thursday/Friday means homes are coming on the market.  So tonight we'll go to see three.

The first house - the home looks awesome, priced low, same owners for 30 years and has way more rooms/finished space than we can imagine.  However, I am doubtful Michael and I can get over the location.

The second house is in a great location.  It's 2 bedrooms, but has some extra spaces that could make that work.  The inside looks nice.  The roof and siding look like they could use replacement soon though and there aren't pictures of the garage so it's probably not pretty.  Also the owner chose to waive the disclosure which our Realtor says is normal in a rental or if the home is inherited, but this is marked as a Homestead, so probably a red flag.

The 3rd house is also in a location we like. Our home search is set up to send us listings for 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, and a 2 car garage.  However we know there will likely be compromise so we also have searches that say

2 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car garage or

3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1 car garage or

2 bedroom, 1 bath, 2 car garage.

The third home we will see today has a 1 car garage.  So that means it should have 3 bedrooms and 2 baths.  

Well here is bath #2

Not exactly what we meant.

Then I read the disclosure and it looked pretty good til I got to the bottom.  The city does a basic energy score and this home scored 28 out of 100.


 This is a little hilarious now that I think about it because there is an electric vehicle charging station at the garage but the house has the worst energy score I've seen.

So insulation and furnace updating on top of the bath.

Pick your investment, it's a game we are playing.  The most important thing on this game is staying on the same team.  Last weekend we did pretty well with that.  I hope tonight to continue.



 Let your yes be yes and your no be no.  The maybes are the tricky/stressful ones.  Michael's word of the year a couple years past was Clarity which we certainly need.  Our 2022 words - which we did not discuss before picking are very similar.  Mine is  FOUNDATION.  His is ROOTS. 

I am grateful to have the time today to type this up and process a bit.  Though it can seem home prices are almost unreachable, we are blessed to be able to try.  We are blessed that when we come home to our rental I feel relief.  I think it's Oprah that said, "Your home should rise up to greet you."  I haven't felt that yet, but I have felt the pressure to take something that isn't quite what we want because of scarcity or fear, which is different from taking something that isn't quite what we want because we like it enough to make it work. So I ask for help to differentiate the two.

And I'm grateful that Michael's eldest made dinner too late last night for me to eat it yesterday, but in perfect timing for me to have a quick meal ready before we head out this evening.

Also I just picked up Brene Brown's Atlas of the Heart which I will read a little as I eat, to put my energy in a good frame of mind.

1 comment:

  1. Wouldn't it be fantastic if looking for a home were nothing but exciting? It's a shame one has to compromise, worry and distrust. But I guess that's how it goes.

    And maybe these houses are just meant to lead you to the one that instantly clicks.
    Hope you guys will find your home soon.

    And I love both your words of the year!

