#17 - My friends's influence - that I have friends that help me do things that expand my life. Like asking me to go to a lobby day (5?) years ago and every year since, and that I've gone and always felt good about it.
#18 - Government accessibility - That despite all the complaining people do about the government. They are just actual normal people who work for us and whose offices we have the right and privilege to enter easily - no metal detectors or big procedures (in MN) - an appointment maybe if you want to speak to them, but we can go to the capitol anytime and check out what our tax dollars and values are doing.
#19 - My assistant photographer on these photos when I ask, and who enthusiastically tries new things (like lobbying at the capitol).

#20 The man's voice who was phone banking next to me this evening - I can't recall getting excited about men just based on their looks, however their voices - yes. Today, I had the pleasure of sitting next to a very appealing voice while we were both making phone calls. Thank you!
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