Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring Equinox

#96 - I am grateful for my fascination with Earth's patterns! Today is the Spring Equinox - So Equinox = equal, the Earth's axis neither tilted toward or away from the sun. Everywhere on the world, the day and night are around equal length.

Today's length of sun -

Santiago, Chile - 12 h 8 min
Quito, Ecuador- 12 h 7 m
Minneapolis - 12 h 10 m
Stockholm, Sweden - 12 h 12 m

So all over the world we have roughly 12 hours of daylight today. Then things change the closer you are to the poles, at the equator, not much happens. In three months daylight will look like

Santiago, Chile - 9 h 56 min
Quito, Ecuador - 12 h 7 m
Minneapolis - 15 h 37 m
Stockholm, Sweden - 18 h 36 m

#97 - 45 degree of Latitude in Minneapolis - I enjoy that the sun changes its arc in the sky. It would be interesting to experience a Swedish 18 hour day, but 45 degree latitude is just right for me.

#98 - Prairie Home Companion - I'm listening right now.

#99 - A Quiet Day at Home

#100 - Fiesty Red Squirrel that Lives in the Back Yard -
He/she was quiet all winter, but now is back and full of life.

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