#12 - Intelligence of Bodies - This is the outdoor temperature. If it were the Fall or I lived in Florida, it would feel cold, but today it feels refreshingly warm. This is despite the fact that I spend 95% of my time in temperatures of 68°F. How the body is still intelligent enough to adjust my metabolism to the climate, when I am only actually experiencing that climate less than 5% of the time, is beyond my comprehension. These are remarkable vessels we walk around in.

# 13 - Basking in the warm 4°C sunshine (on the only dry spot available - the lid of the compost.)
#14 - Trusting my Center - So I'm going through my day now considering things I could mention/be grateful for. I already saw yesterday how that could switch to a platform - mentioning things I believe in and getting stuck in my head - but I didn't, I returned to what felt true to me. I returned to my center. Sometimes I get lost, sometimes I get confused, but I return to my center, sooner rather than later, and I am grateful for that.
#15 - 6 Friends - who sent me an email in the last 19 hours saying they were excited or enjoyed this. (I'm not listing your names here but if you sent me an email recently this includes YOU). How wonderful to do something that is giving me energy and joy and to find that this extends beyond myself. I mean isn't that the highest aspiration of life? The whole -
"Don't ask what the world needs, ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs are people who have come alive." Howard Thurman
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