#86 - Julia Being- Even though we are human beings, we sometimes think to be of any worth we have to accomplish many things, become human doings. This can be a depressing thought in which we endlessly never measure up. I have this remarkable friend who reminds me, without even speaking to her, that I do not have to do anything. She reminds me that my worth is inherent and not something I need to strive for. I need this reminder on a regular basis. Sometimes it comes through a phone call, sometimes, like today, it comes from just the thought of her presence.
#87 - Julia on the Phone - This brings me to another one of my favorite things about Julia. When I talk to Julia on the phone, at times, there are pauses in our conversation - with anyone else that would mean the conversation is over or it's uncomfortable because we don't know what to say next. When there is a pause with Julia, it is like a rest note -
#88- My Brother Telling A Guy on our Soccer Team, "Not Again," When He Started Getting Angry - And in general the majority of the people on my teams who are there to get some exercise and have fun.

#89 - Whatever Inspired me in the First Place to Start Hugging Trees - I don't know when I started hugging trees, but I know I've been doing it a long time. This photo is from 1995, encouraging my then 3 yr old cousin to have a connection to nature by hugging a tree.
Why Would I Hug a Tree?
- Unlike people whose moods can make them unreceptive to hugging, trees are available 24/7 for my embrace.- Hugging a tree acknowledges it. It helps me to recognize its gifts.
- It is in large part because of trees (and other plant life of course), that we can breathe in the first place, and in the second place are not dead yet from our pollution, so a little demonstration of gratitude is more than called for.
- We use trees for everything - to burn for heat and fuel, paper, paper towels, toilet paper, cardboard packaging for food etc., furniture, flooring, building material, food (fruit and nuts), maple syrup, medicines...thanks trees!
- Finally, the main reason I hug trees - it helps me to slow down and just be for a moment, and if I hug one long enough, sometimes, I can feel it hugging me back.
#90 - Being Asked Why I Would Hug a Tree - it gave me something to ponder and write about.
I like the picture, I have it on the dresser in my room. :D