#151 - It is Relatively Easy to Make Your Life Look Beautiful - and conversely to see the beauty in life. (Upon further reflection... if I had tried this when my life was hectic or I was depressed, maybe it would have been challenging. Those are the times in life I would probably need this the most, but also be much less inclined to do it.)
#152 - What You Focus on Does Magnify - I knew this, but I had a lot of experiences this month to back it up
#153 - BE SPECIFIC - when I speak in generalities it is so difficult to feel grateful. This reminds me of the idea that the more deeply we go into the personal the more we connect with the collective.
#154 - A New Habit - each night before falling asleep I started asking, "What were my five gratitudes today?" This is sometimes a great improvement to what I otherwise may have been focusing on.
#155 - That I Think The (or at least ONE of the) Greatest Joys in Life is Doing Something that Brings You Joy and Finding out it Brings Others Joy Too
this month went by so fast. . . it seems like you just started :) thanks!