#57 - Taking this photo - it energized me
#58- U.S. Treasury Bond - I don't know what this is besides a loan to the government, but on the tax return it said you could use part of your refund to buy one. It isn't too often I feel motivated to learn something new money wise, but I decided to buy a small one and learn something in the process.
#59 - Ukulele Energy Cleanse - When I am on the computer too long I get crabby. This is happening tonight, but I wanted to finish my taxes. I decided to take a brief ukulele break. It really helped. I am getting crabby again because I want to be off the computer and I want to finish this first, so I'll play a few songs when I'm done to clear my negativity. I have never found anything (besides exercise) which does this so well!
#60 - Library - Well I knew this would be on here somewhere. The library is by far one of the best human inventions ever! Every time I might start being bored with the ukulele, a new book comes in with more instruction and songs. I've always used the library for music, movies and reading, of course, but now I am using it to learn to play a musical instrument!
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