Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Second Time

  •  The first performers at the Gingko Coffeehouse open mike, a 13 year old girl and her father.  #1 - She could really sing.  #2 - The songs her Dad wrote were beautiful.  #3 - It was so refreshing to see a 13 year old and her father enjoying being creative and expressive together.
  • The second performer said the radio confirmed today that he was the only person over 13 who didn't have a cell phone, and his song was about why not.  I raised my hand and said, "I don't have one."
  • The fourth performer was a man that was kind of like wallpaper, in that before he got on stage I hardly noticed he was there, and after he returned to his spot he seemed to melt into the wall again.  However, on stage I was riveted by his performance.  He said he was playing a whole show at this coffeehouse on April 6th...
  • Earlier on my way, as I neared the coffeehouse I asked myself, "Why am I doing this?"  It was a way to recognize the Equinox, but still...I looked up at the sky and saw a bald eagle flying right over the middle of the city...
  • "Why am I doing this?" I asked once again as I was singing on stage.  The remaining 15-20 people in the room were mostly quiet except the woman sitting right in front of me who was talking loudly.  To me it seemed as loud as my singing.  And then the chorus of my song came through my mouth.  It goes, "How to engage fully yet unattached to results?  How to engage fully yet remain unattached?"

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