Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Unexpected Connections

My partner bought plane tickets for Christmas back in July, before we decided if I would be joining him.  Now I am joining him, but not on the same flights.  Today his dad asked for his flight info and my partner realized that both of his flights had changed. 

Now instead of him needing to be at the airport a couple hours before me on the flight back, it would be closer to 5 hours.  When he called to tell me this he seemed a bit flustered, I just shrugged, there is nothing we can do about it.  I already knew I'd have plenty of idle time that day.

And I think the acceptance that I felt was key to what came next.  He said we could make sure to get the rental car in my name too so I could drop him off.  So I looked at a map and yes there is a park nearby.  At least I could go there for a walk outside for an hour or two before returning to the airport.

Then I thought of a friend who also lives in Texas, not the same city, but what city do her parents live in?  Could it be the same one as we are flying out of?  If so maybe she'll be visiting them for the holidays?

I sent her an email to inquire.  Then I looked at the map and saw that the airport is on the NE side of San Antonio and she lives in Austin, which is an hour or so away.  I wonder if there is any chance she could meet me halfway for breakfast?  I almost emailed her again, but decided to wait and see what she said about where her parents lived.

Her parents live in Dallas, further away, but she also said, "We’re staying home this year but if you had extra time and wanted to meet half way between Austin and San Antonio, I’d love to see you!!!"

I'm not sure if it's going to work out, but if it does, what a gift.  I haven't seen her for a long time - over 15 years.

Additionally, on the flight to Texas we are on the same airline and he was able to change it without charge, so that now we are on the same flight.  Not only does this make it more enjoyable to be at the same gate etc. but now if there is any delay, we will be delayed together, which makes getting from the airport to our destination much simpler.

This trip has the potential be either immensely healing or hurtful.  It is the same trip we planned two years ago, and then unexpectedly broke up.  That holiday was absolutely awful, and the pain reappears at times.  I just printed out an activity I saved in my email from back then to do at the airport with him and his girls.

Deep breath, trust, faith, vulnerability
trying again...

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Spices, Acts of Kindness and Presence

#1 - The way the owner where I do yoga gave her full presence and attention today to someone that I love.  She inquired without being nosy, supported without being overbearing.

#2 - My cousin is organizing my mess of spices.  I'm used to the chaos, but I appreciate her desire to create order.

#3 - I quickly grabbed a heart shape piece of paper and wrote a quote on it to put in someone's shoe at yoga.  My writing and meditation class has the assignment to do one small anonymous act of kindness each day for a month.  So far I've put a grocery cart back at the store, picked up some weights left out in my fitness class and then did this.  A month seems like a lot, but at least I've done three days.

#4 - To have tofu stuffin muffins, squash and broccoli leftovers from yesterday ready to go as I am hungry and ready to eat dinner.

#5 - A work phone call ended up going late, he wasn't ready at the designated time and then we talked longer then usual, but I still made it to my barre class with 2 minutes to spare.

Monday, November 12, 2018

What Kind of Life

#1 - I started work (from home) a bit early so, when I was a little bummed that I didn't have any cornbread to eat with my leftover chili, I decided I had time to whip up a quick batch.

#2 -  My life has been pretty quiet the last few weekends so I've been on top of meal planning/prep.  Tonight I started chopping for tomorrow's dinner and I still have two types of leftover meals from the weekend (chili and vegetable mole oaxaca).

#3 - Sometime around each New Year I do a reflection ritual with a couple friends.  This year I have a bit more of an extravagant plan that would include and overnight at a camper cabin.  I reserved the cabin last January because it fills up a year in advance.  I mentioned it to one of the friends back then, but today I finally emailed them both the plan to see if they are interested.   If they aren't I have back-up plans for the cabin.

#4 -  I looked up a concert that I'm interested in December and there were still plenty of tickets left, so no hurry. 

"My definition of greatness is
 deciding what kind of life
 I want to lead
and then creating it
even if it means
making different choices than other people."

Ramit Sethi

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Deserving a Smile

Early this afternoon my partner and I were a both a little irritable (or maybe in my case tired).  He went upstairs to work on something and I did some meal prep in the kitchen.  After a few hours doing our own thing I went upstairs and hugged him and smiled and he responded, "What did I do to deserve that smile?"

"You don't have to do anything," I said.

Sometimes we just need a little space.  I've spoken to him about my concern about having my own space when we live together, because I've always been a person that really needs alone time.  Today he felt the same.  "Does it help you to know that I need my own space sometimes too?" he asked.

"Yep!" I said.

During my time in the kitchen I got a soup made for dinner Tuesday for the 4 of us. His girls tasted it the last time I made it, so it has been pre-approved.  I also did half of the prep for a Hungarian Nut Loaf recipe, which will be a new one to try, so tomorrow's dinner is more than half done.

I was happy to receive an email from my cousin looking into flights to go abroad (I assume through school but I'm not certain).  This has been a dream of hers for a long time and I'm thrilled to hear she's pursuing it.


I'll end with a link to a very helpful blog post for people (in MN) to vote on Tuesday