Saturday, June 1, 2024

Showing Up

 I went to my first free outdoor yoga of the season this AM. It is the same time of year and location where I sat 2 years ago, biked home and moved out.  That woman had no idea what was coming next, what the future would look like.  That woman was well supported, so there was immense sadness, but I realized today, she wasn't afraid.

 Today there was a 5K and 10K run so there was really loud dance music.  When I first biked up I was annoyed, then I went with it and did little bounces or hip movements along with yoga.

Also my cousin and her boyfriend had biked there together, so there was a smiling face upon my arrival and a hug upon my departure.

I came home and called my brother to share the news that I won my first (and only) minor court case.  The defendant still has a couple weeks to appeal.  I hope he decides it isn't worth the time and energy, either way it was nice to have the referee agree with my stance.

Finally I'm using every ounce of my emotional muscle, and fortunately current emotional health, to support a loved one. I don't know what to say about that except that we take one step at a time, and so far I've been taken care of and cared for myself enough, to keep showing up. 

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