Thursday, September 5, 2024

In Case You Were Wondering

#1 -  In Case You Were Wondering...because I was wondering, if home would lack in comparison to the majesty of my summer...

Tonight my niece had a cross country ski race at a Three Rivers Park called Gale Woods Farm.  I noticed when I looked it up on the map that there is a new Three Rivers Park just a bit north of there.  So after the race I drove up there to check it out.  

It's small, most of it is under rehabilitation so only a section of it has a trail open to the public.  However that also means it is undeveloped.  I was the only person there and as I watched the sun setting on the trees across the pond

 I looked at the sky

 I looked at the prairie, 

I started to cry.

#2 - Also my niece, as usual, is such a strong runner it is a joy to watch.  I was actually able to keep up with her briefly near the end as she'd just gone up a hill.  (Previously I've tried to keep up with her at the end of a race, so I can see her and not been able to.) 

#3 - Also my laptop wasn't working when I tried it Wed night which was stressin. I told my job I do from home, that I planned to come back next week but needed to find a laptop first.

They called and said they would send me one. #4 - Since the pressure was off, I tried my old laptop again and it works, for now.  

#5 - I am more and more adamant that a big part of enjoying life is protecting spaces - spaces in landscape, spaces in time, spaces.   I'm not sure what that looks like on a bigger scale, but it feels like a substantial part of my purpose/mission. People (myself included) are often uncomfortable with it initially, but beneath space is a reservoir of fortune.

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