Friday, May 29, 2020

I'm Not...

It's an intense week here in Minneapolis. I biked by the initial (at that point small) protest on Tuesday before I knew what it was about. As MLK Jr. said, "The moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends toward justice." I can understand why people doubt that bend. There has been an arrest, there is much more to be done, much of which is deep inside all of us. I find it ludicrous when I hear someone profess, "I'm not racist," which to me more likely means, "I'm not aware how racism lives inside me." I am aware of racism in myself, but am more concerned about the ways in which it feels normal.

We have heard distant sirens throughout the night the past couple nights. Even into the light of the morning which seems so strange. People are on edge and after our neighbor parked in an atypical location last night I suggested to Michael, "He might want to park in his garage."

Our garage is shared with the other tenant in the building and Michael did an amazing clean out of our side last weekend. Our neighbor was kind enough to let us use the space to organize, but we still had trash and donation items over there. So I hopped into action moving the remaining garbage and donations back on our side. Even so, it still looks SO MUCH BETTER! I'm not even sure how to express how much I appreciate all the work that Michael did.

Some of the donation stores aren't open yet, but I decided to make a quick trip to one 5 or so miles away. That store had a long line of cars and a sign that said they were open 2 more hours or until capacity, so I ended up at the store by my dad's, which may or may not have been quicker.

I just barely arrived back to log in to an online class from the yoga studio I've been attending near here. I felt rushed so wasn't sure I should even try, but I'm so glad I did. That teacher I've always found especially calming and I especially needed that type of energy.

Then after trying unsuccessfully yesterday and the week prior to get an identification number for my dad's 'estate', I finally tried it using his full middle name instead of a middle initial and it worked!

I thought I was going to have to fax the info instead of apply online, which I didn't know how to do, but as usual for this type of thing, I called my brother and he had a way I could fax from my computer.

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