Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Just Be Friends

#1 - 5 Year old nephew - "I'm not going to get married when I grow up - just be friends. Right Koko?"

9 Year old niece - "I'm going to live alone."

Nephew - "We can live far apart from each other."

#2 - When deciding what to do with my mother's china, my brother offered it to my eldest cousin. To my surprise, she said she'd take it. I found a card from my mom to her parents that said the china was a wedding gift from her parents. My cousin got married last summer so now it can be a wedding gift to her from =grandparents that she never met.

#3 - We had a visit from a super friendly realtor to get a market value of my dad's house "as is". She was very complimentary of my father and said his fuse box was, "the neatest fuse box I've ever seen".

#4 - She also commented on all his trinkets (for fixing things). I said I didn't know what to do with them, "like this" I nudged something heavy with my foot. The man with her said, "That's a railroad tie."

"What do I do with it? Does the Habitat home store take such things?"

"I don't know they take lots of odd stuff. I live on a farm I could take it for you and find a use for it."

"Yes, please!"

And he gave us a dozen fresh eggs in exchange.

#5 - She also said even though the house couldn't be rented as is she'd give us a number for that. We had another realtor come over previously and he didn't seem nearly as knowledgable about these details. The woman was clearly familiar with the area (had sold two of the houses on my dad's block) and the prices and regulations.

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