Saturday, January 8, 2022

A Player Short

 #1-3 - Michael and I have been having weekly money/planning talks (most weeks once in a while it gets skipped) since this summer, mostly to plan for and think about buying a home together. We seemed to have gotten mostly on the same page and even had an initial conversation with a lawyer about buying a home as an unmarried couple.  Then a couple weeks later Michael suggested maybe he should buy the home and I rent from him. 

Is it because his sun sign is a Gemini or he is a wave or...anyway we rode that swing for a while, kept talking and this morning he asked me, "Would you like to buy a home together?"


Besides being glad we are on the same page again, this is a bigger deal than you think. Sometimes Michael thinks he's asked things, especially important things, without ever directly saying so, so the directness was well appreciated.

The next step is getting an agreement. Today we worked on the draft email for the lawyer telling what we want in our cohabitation or co-ownership agreement.  


 #4 - We experienced the sudden loss of a member of my soccer team this week. I found a poem to read during our game tomorrow and other teammates have shared other ways to honor her - wearing black and starting the game a player short...


#5 - For Xmas I love to give experiences, this year as I was navigating Co-Vid being a hurdle with experiences I ended up giving Michael's daughters astrology readings with Caroline W. Casey.  20 Years or so I heard her speak at the Bioneers conference "a fertile hub of game-changing social and scientific innovators with breakthrough solutions for the world's most pressing environmental and social challenges."  I tried looking at a few astrology books in the following years and the only one that really resonated with me was hers. 

I just really love her philosophy, "Believe nothing, entertain possibilities!" It isn't fatalistic and she doesn't say we "struggle" with things, she would say something more like we "dance" with them.

Anyway the girls had their readings today.  The oldest enjoyed it and shared with us about it afterwards.  The youngest was more stoic, as is typical.

Upon reflection I realized I gave them self-knowledge for Christmas and that's about the best gift I can think of.

1 comment:

  1. Buying a house together is such a big thing! Congratulations (not for buying, I know you don't have a house yet, but for taking this mental step together)!!
