Tuesday, August 1, 2023

TSS and HOAs

#1 - I listened to a podcast interviewing a woman who lost her legs due to toxic shock syndrome from using tampons. (The Diary of a CEO).  I remember reading the warnings in tampons when I was younger but I've never heard anyone talk about it. I'm completely in agreement with her concerns about chlorine bleach, dioxin and synthetic fibers in tampons, what I was confused by was her saying that even organic tampons contain pesticides. 

 It is true there are pesticides just inherently in our environment, but the whole point of the "organic" label is that the cotton is grown without pesticides.

I just looked this up and I can't attest to this website but this corroborates my knowledge

"Because they don’t contain synthetic and toxic ingredients like pesticides, herbicides, bleach, chlorine, and other disinfectants, they are certainly the more natural option, and will break down quickly and more safely for the environment."


I am not saying you can't get TSS from organic tampons and I completely commend the work Lauren Wasser is doing, it was just one thing I was perplexed by that she said.

#2- A friend of mine hurt her foot this weekend, she went in to urgent care and was potentially on the road for surgery and a really long recovery.  That may still be the case, however it also may be a broken toe and Mayo Clinic says, "Most broken toes heal well, usually within 4 to 6 weeks" which is a long time, but shorter than the original scenarios.

#3 - One of my plants has developed a crop of fungus gnats.  However the three things I employed from the internet seem to be working.  -Letting the soil dry out.  -A apple cider vinegar/water/dish soap mixture - and some yellow sticky traps set on top of the soil.

#4 - This gratitude is a fingers crossed gratitude. When my offer was accepted on this condo a little over a year ago, I had a few days to review the HOA documents.  One of the items in that document stated there was the potential for an assessment for hail damage from a storm.  So I asked the seller to either:

A. Reduce the price $2000 or

B. Put $3500 in an escrow account for a year for any pending assessments on the roof hail damage.

He chose B.  Nothing happened last summer, or over the winter.  Once spring arrived and they could look at the roofs I thought it would be decided. I listened to the board meetings each month. Nothing.  So I emailed the management in May (which was a year since the storm) asking for documentation if there would be a bill.

They asked me to contact them again in July.  I asked the title company if there was anything I could do.  They said the seller is already asking for the money, but he has to wait the year.  That is the agreement.

I contacted again in July.

I listened to the the board meeting in July.  They said there would be an assessment and we'd have the numbers the next day.

I emailed a couple days later and got the response, "Accounting should be wrapping up today with the spreadsheet."

Well, time was ticking, a couple weeks later (last Friday - when I didn't know if my final day was Monday or Tuesday), they said they'd have it in a couple hours.  They didn't.

 Fortunately it wasn't Monday because despite my pleading for a bill, yesterday I had nothing.

Today they did send me an estimate I could send to the title company.  And the title company sent myself and the seller something to sign to release the money to pay my assessment.

I'm grateful it was enough for the title company and the responsiveness of the woman that works there.

What I don't know yet is if the seller is going to attempt to dispute it. 

#5 - 


 "We've come in modern times

 to believe that we need to do more to be more, 

and it's broken, 

it's fundamentally broken.  

The idea is that we need to be more

 and let the doing flow from that."

Dr. Michael Gervais



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