Sunday, August 4, 2024

Random Gratitudes from the Retreat Center

 #1 - My Sunday soccer team hasn't had an official goalie for a couple years.  We had a guy who sometimes played with us, but he got injured a while back.  Someone else is organizing the team while I'm gone, however a woman I met who subbed as goalie for us a couple times has agreed to actually join the team next session.  I'm happy to have a goalie, however even happier, that it is a woman, because 95%+ of the goalies in my co-ed league are men!

#2 - I've been doing 6:30AM 2 mile "poetry" hikes here on Mondays.  I stop a few times to read poems.  I recruit people to come at the Sunday afternoon hike haus "open house" and today it seemed like there were a lot of people that plan to join tomorrow.  I really like doing the hikes then before the flies and the heat.

#3 - I was accidently assigned dish team twice in a week here, so I had a shift both yesterday and today.  Usually you get one shift a week here. It was a mistake though and it's fine, especially since it was lunch shift so you can just do it during work.  If it was an extra dinner shift my day would get a little longer.

#4 - Last night was the first night here I had a bit of trouble sleeping because of the heat.  When it's been hot here, it usually still cools off plenty at night.  Last night I ended up propping my door open with the trash can to get a little air flow in here because it was so still outside.  The lack of wind though is good for not feeding the forest fires.

#5 - I almost forgot about the 6pm yoga class today. Yoga here is at such strange times 6-6:30pm, for example, which isn't ideal since dinner is 4:45-6:15, but I'm grateful I looked at the schedule the last minute and remembered.

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