Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Path Made Clear

#1 - I got a hug from my favorite 10 year old and a "Are you going to be here when we get home from school?" :) from his younger brother this morning.  The youngest also demonstrated how to fold a paper boomerang.

#2 - I don't like the energy of bonding over a common enemy, and "what you resist persists," so sometimes protests doesn't resonate with me.  However, tears came to my eyes when I got downtown tonight and saw all the people who had come together to tell the president, "No."

#3 - I actually really enjoyed my "interview" which felt a lot like a conversation with some in depth questioning with 5 women from the League of Women Voters this afternoon.

#4 - I'm reading

Discovering your Life's Direction and Purpose

by Winfrey, Oprah

Today I read a page with a quote by Eckhart Tolle to my partner and he wanted a copy of it.  It was about how it's more important how you respond to what happens to you, than what happens to you, and that is what will determine your life trajectory.  

#5 - Attending my friend's father's funeral.  I'm super grateful to be able to be there and for having work that has allowed me to be present for so many important events without being stressed out because I will need to catch up.

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