Thursday, September 17, 2020


#1 -  My cousin said a week or so ago she may be available to help at my dad's next week.  I want the help, but often I am figuring out myself what to do with things, so it's hard to delegate. 

We have some old home VCR tapes that supposedly my dad converted to DVD.  I know where the VCR tapes are, but I have never found the DVD. 

So I've waited to get rid of the VCR/DVD player and thought maybe I could figure that out at some point if I had time.  THEN I thought of my cousin and this would be a PERFECT project to delegate. 

 She said today that she will come next week and try and that is a relief!  I will be so grateful if she can figure it out so I can throw away the tapes, get rid of the VCR and continue cleaning out other things while she figures it out.  THANK YOU KRYSTAL!!!

#2 -  My brother is great with using Craigslist - today someone picked up a printer and hopefully some yard waste cans soon.  #3 - Actually they just picked up those cans now.

#4 - My nephew just started kindergarten and apparently he has been throwing a bit of a fit about going when I talked to my brother yesterday.  "Does he get enough sleep?" was my first question.  I've long been surprised by my brother's family and their flexibility with sleep.  Apparently it works fine for my niece, but maybe my nephew is more like me and needs an earlier more consistent bed time.  I said it will take some time and effort to see if it helps, but it is worth a shot.

I don't think one day is enough to judge.  However they did get to bed earlier last night, had a good breakfast and had a better morning.

#5 - Books also helped, my brother suggested my nephew pick out a few books to read outside school before going in.  Great positive incentive!

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