Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Eventually Equal Zero

 #1 - My Dad's slide projector I finally pulled out and it worked and I was enjoying it.  Then I'm not sure what happened.  Well I kind of know and I tried to fix that, but then something else was off.  I started getting frustrated, so decided to write my gratitudes.  Will it be enough to switch my attitude?

#2 - It seems if you keep taking things out of a house and not bringing them in, according to math it would have to eventually equal zero right?  That's what I said today as I brought more to the thrift store and tomorrow I'll bring more to metal recycling.  It definitely feels more spacious in the basement at least.

#3 - Signed up for the point of sale inspection which is required before selling my dad's house.

#4 - I started playing guitar last night and continued playing more this AM between things on the computer.  I was playing along with Trevor Hall, a musician my partner introduced me to that I love.

#5 - There have sprung up quite a few tent homeless encampments at various parks this summer.  I received an email for some supplies that are being requested for people staying at them from the outdoor group I belong too.  One of those was a tarp which I need to get rid of from my dad's, so maybe I'll bring it there?  Then another email

"I know our hearts are in the right place, but please consider another viewpoint for helping the homeless. People who work with the homeless would prefer you not make it slightly more comfortable for them to live outdoors, but rather do things to get them to a better place. Instead of donating materials to enable them to encamp outdoors in areas not sustainable for long, please consider volunteering or donating to a homeless shelter.. "

 Which also makes sense to me.  This made me finally do some research on what has been developing all around me.

"What comes next for those living in dozens of encampments in Minneapolis parks?

That’s an open question in the city right now. In June, a number of people who had taken shelter in a former hotel amid unrest following George Floyd’s killing moved to Powderhorn Park, in south Minneapolis, when the shelter closed.

After several days, the city park board voted to let them — and others camping in city parks — stay for the foreseeable future.

Now, the park board estimates some 560 tents are spread across Powderhorn Park alone, leaving many residents and neighbors wondering what the future holds."


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