Saturday, November 28, 2020

Thanksgiving Poem

 I started the day with a long (2 hour) walk, which I haven't done for quite a while.  The warm sun and the time outside felt great since we had our Thanksgiving meal later.  (Michael's daughters were with their mom on Thanksgiving.)  I spent the first 1.5 hours mulling thru my thoughts, and the last half hour memorizing a poem called Moth Koan.  Right before I got home I came across our neighbor walking her dog with her early elementary age daughter.  I asked, "Do you want to hear the poem I just memorized?"  

They said, "yes." 

I told them it's called Moth Koan.  A "koan" is kind of like a riddle so it may not make sense right away and I was still trying to figure it out.  

After we parted I thought, "I should give them the poem." I had it in my pocket on a piece of paper.  As I turned, my neighbor was coming back to ask me the author of the poem so they could look it up!  She wanted to share it with her other daughter.

Michael planned our Thanksgiving meal which included - turkey, tofu, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, cranberry-wheatberry salad and apple-fennel slaw.  Oh and also a buttermilk pie, which I'd never heard of. I helped cook, but did my part in the dining room which worked better as we have a small kitchen and it kept me from getting in the way.  Michael had already done a bunch of prep work on Thanksgiving day.

After dinner Michael's 15 year old asked if we could play Catan.  I was grateful that she suggested spending time together.  Our first thanksgiving together was in 2015 and Michael and I started a tradition where we share a list of gratitudes for each of the girls that (ideally) we've compiled over the year.  Michael said he wasn't ready and we had a bit of back and forth about it since they go back to their mom's tomorrow.  It isn't a tradition I want to let go of.  Finally I asked what he suggested and he asked to share them on Christmas instead.  The girls are with us for Christmas this year, and because of Co-Vid we won't be visiting any other family, so I said that would be fine.  Michael seemed to really appreciate this.

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