Tuesday, August 3, 2021

This Town

#1 - Last night as I was pulling into the driveway I was taken by a song on Radio Heartland. I wrote it down on a scrap of paper - This Town by Robert Vincent and I remembered today to look it up.

#2 - At first I described the song as a lullaby/soothing, I didn't know what it was about but it was giving me energy and excitement.

#3 - Then I looked up the lyrics and a whole new level of appreciation appeared.

#4 - And this made me excited about the small outdoor music festival we plan to attend later this month.  I went for 5 or so years by myself, then finally convinced a friend to join me in 2014.  In 2015 the festival went on hiatus.

 I also met Michael in 2015.  It is very family friendly and I thought he and the girls would really enjoy it, but it remained on hiatus. They tried to bring it back last year but Co-Vid cancelled it.  

 I am less convinced the girls will enjoy it, as they are teenagers now and I doubt the music is their style.  But it is camping in a beautiful setting.  And it is not a mass of people, there is space to go for hikes and be alone too.

#5 - Speaking of groups of people - it is National Night Out and we got invited to two "parties".  We usually go to the one on the street behind us, because there are only a few houses on our block. But we are on a corner and the house across from us invited us too this year.  I think it's important to know your neighbors, and yet mingling is draining for me, so going to two events was a bit overwhelming.  Then one of the events got cancelled today so it will just be one and that feels more manageable.  I just brought over a card table and some folding chairs.  And since I bought a packaged salad for both events now I'll have lots to bring to the one.

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