Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Random Gratitudes

#1 - I felt faster than usual on my jog today, may or may not have been true. It helps to jog in a different neighborhood, I'm trying to get the sense of different areas for our potential move. My niece ran a 6 1/2 minute mile and I've been wondering if I could jog an 8 minute mile.

#2 - It's sad to hear that now professional women soccer players are talking about sexual misconduct, but I'm glad they are feeling supported.

#3 - I finally was able to do a test order and website walk thru with a guy for work. I've tried tracking him down a few weeks and has not been available when he said he would be twice before.

#4 - I created a separate folder for homes going on sale so they aren't overwhelming my inbox which is going WAY better. I don't know why it took me so long but all those messages would stress me out and now I can just look when I want to. It seems prices may be lowering a little there was a 4 bed (1 in basement), 2 bath, 2 car garage in a pretty good location in our price range today. I drove by it and it looked ok. The majority of home may still be 1 bath or 2 bed or on a busy street...that pop up, but it's still good to see.

(Never mind I looked at that house online today and now it is $100,000 more, not sure if the original price was a mistype or what. #5 - I think I know how I'm voting on everything on the ballot this year except rent control. I'm happy to find my park commissioner voted for the Lake Hiawatha master plan which I am excited about (though the vote failed).

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