Tuesday, May 24, 2022

The Children

 #1 - Michael's youngest had a 15 minute outdoor choir concert which I'm glad I attended.  Though I was only around the rambunctious and attention-seeking 8th graders for about a 1/2 hour, I was exhausted by it.  The trade would have to be immense to get me to go to 8th grade again - world peace, climate stabilization etc.

#2 - Afterwards I sat in the car while Michael did errands. I thought about a hopeful condo I'm going to see tomorrow and enjoyed having time/space to think about it.  I also realized it may be the last time I'm a passenger in this car.

#3 - Being able to hear and therefore sow the seeds for clearing up a misunderstanding between Michael and his youngest.

#4 - Michael's eldest came out and sat at the picnic table with Michael and I at the end of dinner.  We talked about many things, including an argument she and her Dad had yesterday.  We talked about how they didn't hear each other and what they needed etc. She and I have similar personalities so it can be good to discuss because we both get defensive and do not like when other people raise their voices to us.

#5 - The eldest was officially diagnosed with a concussion from being nailed in the head with a la crosse ball last week.  She had a helmet on, but it was close range and hard since she is goalie.  She isn't supposed to drive and so I'm happy to be here and able to help out.

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