Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Suffering and Vegetables

#1 - I debated taking my friend's dog with me for a jog.  She arrived home right before I left and was hesitant.  "What are you afraid of?" I asked.

"I've never taken her on a run before."

"Well I jog a lot slower than you." I took her.  She did fine.  It was a good distraction for me.

#2 - My friend came home pretty upset, she didn't want to be unhappy/ungrateful with what I'm going thru, but I said, "It's fine. Not that I want everyone else to be unhappy, but it's still nice to know no matter what people's lives consist of, there are struggles and disappointment and frustrations."

#3 - Her youngest son and I did the Wordle after work, and then I showed him we could make our own (like I've done with my niece).  I was not there pretending to enjoy this.  I did enjoy it.

#4-5 - And I'll end with two videos that had opposite effect on me today.

The first made me cry.

The 2nd (from my friend's kid), made me laugh

1 comment:

  1. OMG I can imagine that message really hit home for you!
    But I do kind of agree with him...
