Sunday, February 28, 2016

Poem Request

#1-3 The owner of my yoga studio asked me to bring a poem about trust for a staff meeting. I just did a quick "control F" and found one that had the word trust in it. I read it and people were really affected by it. A woman quite a bit older than me came up afterwards and said I must have gone through a lot in my life to have written that. I shrugged taken aback. Later it made me want to take a poetry class again, not for the instruction so much, but rather, to create a space in my life for more poems to come out.

#4 - A couple yoga teachers recommended doing Brene Brown's Inventory of Trust exercise. I spontaneously went to the sweet man's afterwards to see if he would go through it with me. I didn't find it as illuminating as the other teachers, maybe because I already tend to be mired in introspection, however I appreciate a spontaneous impulse to follow through on with someone else.

#5 - Playing a song on guitar for a friend who was visiting this weekend whom I haven't seen for 4 years, and who may have never heard me play a song before.

(Short post but it's past my bedtime.)

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