Sunday, April 29, 2018

Ponder in Openness

#1 - Shelby's encouraging hug and empathetic words after my writing and meditation class.  This is an elder that I've met five times, and who told me what I left that she loved me.

#2 - The man in my life being concerned I hadn't told my friend about our recent challenges and saying he would explain it to her.  Leading to an impromptu exit ramp an hour an a half later to take him up on his offer.

#3 - My friend was available and came.  This was much better than me explaining it myself, "Thank you God" I wrote in my journal after - "thank you support network".

#4 - A statement which my friend repeated to me when I dropped her off, that I wrote it my journal, and really need to sit with and consider.  In addition, to being supportive, she said a few things that were hard to hear.  And that is one thing a good friend will do - ask you to look at yourself.

She also commented that living together speeds things up - either way.  She suggested a two week trial run - see how it goes.  It was just great for both this suggestion and others - to have an outside perspective, she gave me multiple things to ponder and wonder about in an open and receptive way.

#5 - I almost forgot, but my college age cousin was visiting and she insisted on starting our day with a meditation.  I resisted, didn't think we had time, but she pushed and of course
it was what I most needed.

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