Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Massive Powers of Organization

 #1 - Someone I love, and live with, found out he has his third interview at a job he is really interested in tomorrow.  His second interview was just yesterday.  I'm glad they scheduled him so fast so he doesn't have a lot of time to be nervous about it.

We both are a bit wary about getting hopes up and excited.  It is so disappointing when he isn't chosen.  It is really a challenge in life to be fully invested yet unattached to the results.  #2 - That said, we are both enthusiastic about what the company does as well as the commute. 

#3 - After college I spent a couple years as a full-time volunteer (well that is what they called us, but we got a stipend which when pooled together with 4 other volunteers covered food, rent etc.)  My second year was the most loving living experience I'd had up to that point in my life.  I felt so safe and cared for in that home that I shared with Peter, Paul, Matt and Emily.

The five of us haven't all been in the same place for at least 12 years, and in that case it was one of our weddings, so we didn't get to all really hang out together. I have just received confirmation that the one who lives the furthest away has bought plane tickets and will be coming.

#4 - When she asked earlier this year if the rest of us were getting together this fall (as we have a couple times since 4 of us live in the same state).  I said, "If someone organizes it," which really meant, "if I organize it."  So it was nice that Emily wrote in her email, "Tammy has used her massive powers of organization..." and then also followed that with doing some organizing herself.

#5 - My partner's youngest goes to summer camp next week and was telling me about it (she has gone previously).  She said, "Do you want to know how they decide which cabin goes in the dining hall first?"

"Whoever is all there first?"

"Nope, each cabin of girls picks a song that everyone in the cabin knows and whichever cabin sings the loudest eats first."



"How do they decide which cabins of boys goes in first?"

"Whichever cabin is the most quiet."

"Are you serious?"


"That is awesome."

P.S.  I listened to this yesterday, but I'll share it because this interview nourished me immensely - Elizabeth just keeps going.

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