Friday, June 17, 2022

"There is nothing that harshness does, that loving firmness doesn't do better." Terrance Real

#1 - Two of the four people in the household where I'm staying got Covid in April. However the Covid resistance of 1 who didn't get it then, either waned or because of a different strain tested positive here yesterday.  So far the symptoms are mild. I tested negative today. However, who knows how long that will last, so I'm glad I don't have any big events in the next week, like a move.

#2 - I've been meaning to make dinner for everyone at my friend's this week, but timing/schedule wise it hadn't worked out.  Today my friend and her husband were home/off for Juneteenth.  So it worked out that I made lunch for the kids, and then had enough leftover for them to eat when were ready and were hungry.

#3 - I was going to go swimming this afternoon with my niece and nephew and my friend's kids. However with the Covid diagnosis in the household I ended up just staying home.  This worked out because I've spent much of the day going back and forth on the phone and the computer with my Realtor about an offer.

#4 - And I almost forgot this, but I woke up at 4:45AM in the midst of a romantic dream.  I was so surprised I made sure to write a sentence about it in my journal.

When I was growing up I only remembered my dreams if they were nightmares, so it still surprises me when this is not the case.

#5 - Michael and I have gone 3 weeks without communicating which is an achievement.  It is hard not to communicate with someone you are used to telling everything to, especially when something feels important.  I imagine it would be doubly hard for people who are accustomed to texting each other, as that is so accessible all the time. The last time we spoke we didn't want to stop communicating all together, but also realized we needed some time and space.  I did send him an email today because I planned to take his youngest out for her BD at the end of next week, and I still want to, but I also wanted them to know the current Covid situation here in case we need to push that out further.



The following is something I listened to yesterday.  If I could "achieve" anything in life, this would be what I most aspire to.  Though I'm not sure 1 generation is enough, my mother definitely began this work...

"Family pathology rolls from generation to generation like a fire in the woods, taking down everything in its path, until 1 person, in 1 generation, has the courage to turn and face the flames.  That person brings peace to his ancestors, and spares the children that follow." Terrance Real

Terry Real: The Five Traps that Undermine Your Love & One Simple Solution

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for that quote from Terrance Real. I have been corresponding with my cousin for the past couple of months and I think she will find it very interesting as well.

    Take care, I hope you won't get sick...

