Tuesday, January 10, 2023


I thought this looked pretty.  Corn cakes, kiwi, yogurt.  (I put maple syrup on the next one). 

During lunch time today I went cross-country skiing, and my reflection on missing my skiing companion was distracted as I went by an elementary school.  Kids were out at recess and some of them called out to me as I skied by.

It reminded me of my 2nd year after college when I worked at an elementary school and was in charge of recess.

Other teachers were supposed to take shifts out there with me.  Sometimes they did, however other times I was out there alone with 100 kids, no playground equipment, and a blowhorn.  It amazes me with really nothing to do besides run and pick on each other, that it went as well as it did.




The snow has been so beautiful this year, sticking on trees for days, making winter wonderlands with warm (for winter) weather making it easy to be outside. 

I'm not sure how anyone is going to live with me after this.  I already had zilch patience for TV background noise, now though I'm descending even deeper into quiet.



I've been reading a lot recently.  A friend mentioned that she wanted to read all of Oprah's book club list and I thought that would be a good place to go.  I just stopped typing this to take a reading break.  Currently Say You're One of Them by Uwem Akpan.

 Oh and my friend gave me a Peace Lilly when my mom was dieing of cancer in 2007.  I recently did a very poor job of transplanting it and I thought I killed it.  It has been very depressing to look at.  This is even more so because I was given a peace lilly when my dad died too.  I ended up throwing it out not too long after because it got infested with bugs and I didn't want that to spread to the other plants.  Like this one which I've had 15 plus years.

I do think I killed a good chunk of it, but today it looked like a section of it perked up and might survive.

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