Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Sean McConnell "Price Of Love" (Official Music Video)

#1 -Outside perspective - sometimes it is so difficult to see ourselves clearly or to doubt ourselves.  It's interesting because I was talking to my brother and sister-in-law about this last week and saying how helpful it can be to have a neutral outside perspective, but then I realized something, you have to be open to hearing that perspective.  In my brother's case he is not open to it, so of course then getting that perspective in the form of a therapist would be a waste of money.

This just makes me wonder - are women more open to hearing outside perspectives than men?  Then I remember the one instance I can recall going to a therapist as a family when I was a child and my dad saying something like, "Jill do you hear anything he is saying?" 

And I can think of other women in my family who also would not be open to it.

But in the end I think of the bravery required to do this.  It is a brave act to expose your faults and struggles to another for guidance. 

#2 - I'm about to go to the airport to pick up my aunt whom I've only seen 1 time the last 2 years because of Co-Vid and her lack of vaccination.  I don't know if it is a good idea for her to visit, but we have a drop in cases right now so I suggested it knowing these low cases may not last.

#3 - Library poetry group is still online so we can do that as a Co-Vid safe activity together tonight.

#4 - My sister-in-law and brother have made some progress in her plans to spend time in Japan.  Hopefully she can find a way to meet the majority of her objectives for the trip and feel his support, because it is a big undertaking.

#5 - My current screen backdrop a friend sent me yesterday, it is taken just before the pandemic when I had some friends over and was telling them each something I was grateful for about them. Sometimes we need a reminder of who we are/can be and that image of myself is reassuring.

Also I heard this song for the first time this week and it is too a gift.

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