Sunday, March 14, 2010

As Far As Eye Meets

#66 - Living in a place with 4 Distinct Seasons

#67- Bats Flying at Dusk

#68 - Independent Businesses

When I drove into Minneapolis today the garbage incinerator was puffing out its pollution. I wanted to take a photo of this for my blog but I thought, "How can I turn this into a gratitude?" Drum roll.....................

#69 - I am grateful to be aware of where my trash ends up, and to hold this in my consciousness even when the incinerator is not in front of me.

#70 - Stopping between the car and my front door to look at the Night Sky


  1. mmm here are mine:

    - Surroundings gratitude
    - Outside my cocoon
    - As far as eye meets

    have a nice day

  2. Hi Tammy!

    You can listen the others singers in youtube if you want. I hope I can help you if you need something else.

    Have a nice day.
