Monday, March 8, 2010

The Dead Live On

#36 - An email sent from a former writing instructor - She wanted permission to use my writing as an example in her current class, it does "such a wonderful job of illustrating how intuitive writing flows and how it can lend itself to deeper writing and more cohesive "complete" pieces." YEAH!

#37 - How the Dead are Still with us - I was reflecting on this last night. My cousin was giving my face a massage and then she lifted my head and gently kind of rolled it around in her hands. I was instantly reminded of my mother. My mom used to offer "head cradles." Krystal was the only one I remember taking her up on the offer. Now, more than a few years later, that action was still inside her and being passed on.

I also thought about this today in relation to my grandfather. He was a musician. However, he died when I was 4 and music was hardly present in my life as a child. We have a few instruments left over though, which my cousins and I played enthusiastically this weekend. They never met our grandfather, but because of him, music was pouring through our hands.

#38- Lungs of harmonica players - This is more an of the instruments we played with was a harmonica. I don't smoke and I play soccer, so I think my lungs would be pretty good, but I played the harmonica maybe 20 seconds and they were exhausted. Harmonica players have impressive lung capacity.

#39- Time to myself - This has always been extremely important to me as someone on the far end of the introvert scale. I appreciate it tonight in the quiet after the house is emptied.

#40 - Safe, restful sleep - I knew this would end up in here. I wanted to wait until I really felt it. Right now I am so grateful that I am about to go to bed - safely. I am not concerned about violence outside my home, I am not concerned about violence inside my home, my insides are not being eaten up with worry. I will rest believing and knowing - I am safe.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

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    Thanks for that :)

